#5Read Messages  1)2'_+1(Z @ Forward/Reverse Read  _ 2)\+1*Z +_ 1+Z +_ 1,Z +_ 1-Z +_ 1.Z +_ 2/L+3+Start At Message (1-100), (F)irst, (L)ast E-[___] F-Ht,G  3!1_ 2Z @ Status Display  _ !3\ 4Z _  5Z _  6Z _ !7LZ3[1_Z2Z @ Key Pressed  _ [3\Z4Z _ Z5Z _ Z6Z _ [7L:3;1_:2Z @ Current Board  _ ;3\:4Z _ :5Z _ :6Z _ ;7L6.H, U, K, J arrow keys change boards "5[ ] b5[ ] <5[ ] #5Selection  =5Apple II Board  c5#5Mark Messages  8*9(_8)Z @ Marked Read  _ 9*\8+Z _ 8,Z _ 8-Z _ 9.L;,No marked Bulletins F6[M] G6  3!1_ 2Z @ Status Display  _ !3\ 4Z _  5Z _  6Z _ !7LZ3[1_Z2Z @ Key Pressed  _ [3\Z4Z _ Z5Z _ Z6Z _ [7L:3;1_:2Z @ Current Board  _ ;3\:4Z _ :5Z _ :6Z _ ;7L6.H, U, K, J arrow keys change boards "5[ ] b5[ ] <5[ ] #5Selection  =5Apple II Board  c5#5Read Messages  1)2'_+1(Z @ Forward/Reverse Read  _ 2)\+1*Z +_ 1+Z +_ 1,Z +_ 1-Z +_ 1.Z +_ 2/L+3+Start At Message (1-100), (F)irst, (L)ast E-[___] F-F !!_M "Z @ Message Base Retrieval -- ProTALK v2.1  !_ !#\M $Z Board [ ] Msg [ ] Name [ ] _  %Z From [ ] To [ ] Board # [ ] _  &Z Subj [ ] Date [ ] Bytes [ ] _  'Z_M_  ))$Apple II Board H$1 of 100 j%02 )%Boris The Bear (7) H%Mr.BIll h&0156 )&//c H&06/23/88 11:09:26 PM b$Jospeh [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) in one of the back issues of Incider, they tell you how to figure it out, but first, when did you buy your //c?? when first it came out or later? D'[Cmd] F')$Apple II Board H$2 of 100 j%02 )%Uncle Bob (14) H%Paisley Pauper (8) h&0136 )&Re: Stuff H&06/23/88 11:36:57 PM b$Michael [" ^"Priviledged User ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Just the fact that you more or less can't upgrade and //e's and //c's are on the way out. It was the top of the line when I bought it. D'[Cmd] F')$Apple II Board H$3 of 100 j%02 )%Apple Rebel (4) H%All h&0067 )&Identifications H&06/24/88 07:18:57 AM b$Parik [" h"SysGOD ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Check the following location: $FBBF IIc = $FF IIc Plus= $00 D'[Cmd] F')$Apple II Board H$4 of 100 j%02 )%Mr.Bill (39) H%Boris The Bear (7) h&0131 )&Re: //c H&06/24/88 10:24:09 PM b$Bill [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) I got mine way back in 84-85. //c's are good computers is just that you can't expand much and if you do it generally costs more.. D'[Cmd] F')$Apple II Board H$5 of 100 j%02 )%Angel Heart (17) H%Mr.Bill (39) h&0125 )&Re:IIc H&06/25/88 08:24:13 AM b$Angelica [" b"Elitist Scum ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) I thought that the //c did not use a controller card for the 3.5's. Anyway where would you be able to plug it in on the //c? D'[Cmd] F')$Apple II Board H$6 of 100 j%02 )%Paisley Pauper (8) H%all h&0170 )&Re:IIc H&06/25/88 04:10:21 PM b$Jim [" ^"Priviledged User ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) There's about 3 different //c's, the first two having different problems.. Hmmm, I just noticed that left arrow clears characters, how long has this been in effect?? )$Apple II Board H$7 of 100 j%02 )%Angel Heart (17) H%All/Everyone h&0134 )&Re:IIC H&06/25/88 06:50:17 PM b$Angelica [" b"Elitist Scum ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Okay so there are three different //c's out..But still the question how do you go about putting a 3.5 controller card in or on a //c? )$Apple II Board H$8 of 100 j%02 )%Boris The Bear (7) H%Angel Heart (17) h&0196 )&Re:IIC H&06/26/88 12:15:20 AM b$Jospeh [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) In the latest Revision (the 3rd) of //c you can just use the same disk drive port.. so just unhook the 5.25 drive, and hook on the 3.5 of course it'll have to be the apple 3.5 not CPS 3.5 )$Apple II Board H$9 of 100 j%02 )%Uncle Bob (14) H%All/Everyone h&0106 )&upgrade H&06/26/88 01:10:33 AM b$Michael [" ^"Priviledged User ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) I've got a first model, wasn't there a deal where you could get an upgrade at any authrized Apple dealer? )$Apple II Board H$10 of 100 j%02 )%AppleJake (11) H%Angel Heart (17) h&0185 )&Re:IIC H&06/26/88 09:48:37 AM b$Jason [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) To get a new controller card in the //c, you take it down to your authorized apple service man and they replace the mother board, so in a way its kinda good since it is a free upgrade. )$Apple II Board H$11 of 100 j%02 )%The Ronin (24) H%All/Everyone h&0425 )&//c H&06/26/88 12:12:00 PM b$Cal [" ^"Priviledged User ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) I was kind of upset three months after I got my //c. That was when the GS came out. I heard about the //x, etc., etc. for a couple of years and figured if it wasn't out by then, it was just a rumor. Well, I felt kind of POd. Then, when my //c's power converter died, I was looking for a GS, which I didn't get, but I've gotten over that. I don't really need the extras of the GS. It's just something nice to have. )$Apple II Board H$12 of 100 j%02 )%Paisley Pauper (8) H%Bob h&0099 )&//c H&06/26/88 01:08:16 PM b$Jim [" ^"Priviledged User ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) If you have the oldest version you wouldn't be able to run a 2400 baud modem among other things. )$Apple II Board H$13 of 100 j%02 )%Uncle Bob (14) H%Paisley Pauper (8) h&0134 )&Re: //c H&06/26/88 06:56:12 PM b$Michael [" ^"Priviledged User ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) I got mine that first winter they came out and I'm pretty sure I do have the first model. Have had a lot of things replaced, though. )$Apple II Board H$14 of 100 j%02 )%Ninja (44) H%All/Everyone h&0640 )&//c H&06/29/88 03:56:24 AM b$Richard [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Ah the //c. I had one. My first computer. Juan talked me into it. The three versions are/were: original-can't use a 3.5, can't add memory. Second-has built in controller card so you can use a UNIDISK 3.5 (not apple 3.5), no memory upgrade. Third or latest-has built in controller card for unidisk and a slot were you can increase the memory with an Apple card. In all versions Appled Engineering makes a great memory upgrade so that you can make a 1 meg //c with clock. Ideal //c: Latest version with a unidisk, A.E. Z-Ram with clock and 1 meg, Color monitor, and 1200 baud modem. I had all this. And I sold it all for the //GS. )$Apple II Board H$15 of 100 j%02 )%The Rebel (1) H%Ninja (44) h&0145 )&Re: //c H&06/29/88 08:35:55 AM b$Tom [" h"SysGOD ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Boy did you mess up selling such a good system for a slow GS. Hope you are happy Richard. BTW did you send in your Quicken disk yet for the 3.5? )$Apple II Board H$16 of 100 j%02 )%Doktor Who (117) H%Ninja (44) h&0141 )&Re: //c H&06/29/88 04:49:18 PM b$Mark [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) I would not trade in my //c for a GS. True, no 16-bit capacity, but it has worked remarkably since I got it. (and I have a 2400 baud modem.) )$Apple II Board H$17 of 100 j%02 )%Juan Escargo (29) H%Doktor Who (117) h&0582 )&Re: //c H&06/29/88 05:18:05 PM b$John [" ^"Priviledged User ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) I know what you mean... I tried to talk him out of selling the //c, but he wouldn't listen to me. Now he has to suffer with the analog RGB and 1.5 meg of memory working many times faster than the //c. He also had to buy an extra speaker so that he could get stereo sound out of it. It all seems like a total waste to me. He could be staring at that 9 inch green screen right now wondering what a $C1 SHR pic of Vanna looks like right now, and hoping that someone would convert it for the //c's awsome resolution...... j/k.... the //c is a good machine, just not as good as the GS! )$Apple II Board H$18 of 100 j%02 )%Millionaire (35) H%Juan Escargo (29) h&0629 )&Re: //c H&06/29/88 06:07:11 PM b$Payam [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) I agree with you all the way.. The GS is far better than the IIE or IIC.. There is hardly a comparison.. I don't think that the GS should even ever be compared to the IIC or IIE. The only thing which is better about the IIC and IIE is how there is so much software already made for those computers, but then again the GS can almost run all of that software. Now everybodys comparing the IIGS to the IIC and IIE, I wonder what's going to happen WHEN or IF the IIGS comes out. )$Apple II Board H$19 of 100 j%02 )%Doktor Who (117) H%Juan Escargo (29) h&0104 )&Re: //c H&06/29/88 08:56:57 PM b$Mark [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Well, if I was REALLY desperate to use a GS, all that I have to do is to call Apocalypse, Inc. and ask. )$Apple II Board H$20 of 100 j%02 )%Space Cadet (56) H%All/Everyone h&0254 )&c vs gs H&06/30/88 07:14:17 AM b$Kathy [" ^"Priviledged User ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Okay, everyone, let's not go overboard about the gs. Yes, it's a nice machine. But it's not anything radically different from the //c,e etc. It's just got a few more capabilities. But then my //e had a few more capabilities than my ond Apple ][ did. )$Apple II Board H$21 of 100 j%02 )%The Ronin (24) H%All/Everyone h&0607 )&//c H&06/30/88 03:26:28 PM b$Cal [" ^"Priviledged User ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) What I can't understand is why everyone says the GS is the best machine and anyone who gets a //c is stupid, etc. The GS is a good machine and it has many features, but not everyone needs all the features it does have. Sure, it's nice to have, but does everyone have the money to pay for it? I'd be happy to take a GS with all it's extra RGB, 65816, etc., but I'm not willing to pay for all the extras I don't need. My //c suits me fine. I will admit that at one time I was unsatisfied with my //c because the new GS came out, but I've learned to live with it and now I see tha I really don't need it. )$Apple II Board H$22 of 100 j%02 )%Millionaire (35) H%Ronin h&0253 )&Stuff H&06/30/88 04:08:56 PM b$Payam [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Okay I admit, I went a little bit over board on the subject of the IIGS but it still is better then the other apple II's but you are right some people don't need the power and interface and expansion capabilities of the awesome machine, the Apple IIGS. )$Apple II Board H$23 of 100 j%02 )%Doktor Who (117) H%The Ronin (24) h&0167 )&Re: //c H&06/30/88 04:42:26 PM b$Mark [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Ok, now tell me, besides those nice games like Thexdar, what applications for the //GS that are out there that cannot be accomnplished on the //c? I'm waiting........ )$Apple II Board H$24 of 100 j%02 )%Desperado (12) H%Doktor Who (117) h&0388 )&Applications H&06/30/88 09:51:53 PM b$Ken [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) ListPlus, TopDraw, Deluxe Paint II, DeskTop Manager, Mac Term GS, Print Shop GS, KidTalk, Instant Music, Draw Plus, WordPerfect/GS, Silent Service GS, Destroyer GS, Monte Carlo GS, Future Sound, AppleWorks w/Pinpoint 816 Spell Checker. I have both a GS & a IIc, both upgraded & expanded. Save me the lecture. We all agree, they both have their place...right down the hal from the MAC. )$Apple II Board H$25 of 100 j%02 )%Sledge Hammer (2) H%Desparado h&0135 )&Stuff H&07/02/88 12:20:52 AM b$Scott [" h"SysGOD ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Maybe down the hall from that Mac, but definatley nearer the entry way so you can show off that 4096 COLORS and digitized sound..hehe )$Apple II Board H$26 of 100 j%02 )%Bonker Pee (111) H%All h&0239 )&Stuff H&07/03/88 04:00:09 AM b$David [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Well, i'm not too sure about the GS, but i love my //e and i really wish i had the money to get a gs. Nice to have great grafixs and nice music. But all i use my //e for are games and it would be a waist to send so much for a petty cause. )$Apple II Board H$27 of 100 j%02 )%Python (80) H%All h&0064 )&ProTERM H&07/08/88 10:18:36 PM b$Dale [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) How do I become a ProTERM Special User(I already have ProTERM)? )$Apple II Board H$28 of 100 j%02 )%Irish (75) H%LAST POSTER h&0296 )&Stuff H&07/09/88 12:54:40 AM b$John [" ^"Priviledged User ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) To be a Proterm Special user all you have to do is select Proterm Special as your terminal emulation before you call. You can change it on-line, but it is much easier and automatic if you pre-select it. I'm not sure, but I think PT 2.0 is required, but Apple Rebel would know more about that. )$Apple II Board H$29 of 100 j%02 )%Apple Rebel (4) H%Irish (75) h&0059 )&Re: Stuff H&07/09/88 08:50:04 AM b$Parik [" h"SysGOD ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) ProTERM v1.9t and higher is required for ProTERM Special. )$Apple II Board H$30 of 100 j%02 )%The Raider (10) H%Apple Rebel (4) h&0055 )&Stuff H&07/09/88 11:45:40 PM b$Collin [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) How does the board tell if you have the PT on or off?? )$Apple II Board H$31 of 100 j%02 )%Apple Rebel (4) H%The Raider (10) h&0347 )&Re: Stuff H&07/10/88 10:28:58 AM b$Parik [" h"SysGOD ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Its SPECIAL! :) It sends a ^E, and if a ^[ is returned, You have PT Special. I do a loop on this function... that way you can leisurely turn on Emulation without any worries, since isn't a key you normally hit when logging onto a board... The reason for the looong delay is that it must link to another segment, which causes the delay. )$Apple II Board H$32 of 100 j%02 )%The Watcher (69) H%Apple Rebel (4) h&0191 )&PT Special H&07/10/88 03:05:17 PM b$Jeff [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Is there a program out that will allow you to write emulation graphics, like AE simulator, only you write graphics for proterm special, and can use the special graphics ProTERM Special uses? )$Apple II Board H$33 of 100 j%02 )%Angel Heart (17) H%Bonker Pee (111) h&0220 )&Re: Stuff H&07/10/88 08:02:13 PM b$Angelica [" b"Elitist Scum ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Yeah but the games that do come out for the GS are way better than waht they are for the //e. Well most of them are I think besides Bubble Ghost. I think just for the grapics and the sound the GS is well worth the cost. )$Apple II Board H$34 of 100 j%02 )%Mr.Bill (39) H%All/Everyone h&0161 )&Stuff H&07/13/88 08:08:57 PM b$Bill [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Does anyone know, is there such a thing as a hard drive for a //c. If there is, what brand and are they alout more expensive then a hard drive for a IIe.IIgs... )$Apple II Board H$35 of 100 j%02 )%The Raider (10) H%Mr.Bill (39) h&0199 )&Stuff H&07/13/88 11:30:17 PM b$Collin [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) ProApp used to make a HD that attached to the //c's drive port, but I don't know if they still do or even if they are still in business. The price was about average for a Apple II HD (at that time.) )$Apple II Board H$36 of 100 j%02 )%Desperado (12) H%Mr. Bill h&0247 )&IIc/HD H&07/14/88 06:46:34 AM b$Ken [" `"General Access n'  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Apple, at one time, made a SERIAL hard drive. This was actually for the early MACS. 20 meg. It will run from the disk port on the IIc. Not cheap, originally it sold for over $1000.00. Hard to find, but if you look around you might get lucky. )$Apple II Board H$37 of 100 j%02 )%Monte Hall (67) H%Desperado (12) h&0361 )&IIc/HD H&07/17/88 04:54:57 AM b$William [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) does anyone else remember the old article in a+ magazine I think it was about "expanding the //c"? it covered all the printer interfaces and clocks available at that time as well as memory and stuff, If I remember correctly there is at least 2 hard drives mentioned. one beingthe proapp 20b.... just trying to remember the article... Monte Hall/PU/OA/MD! )$Apple II Board H$38 of 100 j%02 )%Python (80) H%All h&0105 )&HD H&07/18/88 01:04:26 AM b$Dale [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Is there a HD for the Apple IIe that is any cheaper than $600. I have never seen one cheaper than that. )$Apple II Board H$39 of 100 j%02 )%The Raider (10) H%Python (80) h&0218 )&Re: HD H&07/18/88 07:51:56 PM b$Collin [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Sure! You can get 5 meg profiles for cheap. And 10 Megs for a little more. But there should be a 20 or something that will be slightly under $600 at discount. Chinook Technology is also working on a HD for the IIc. )$Apple II Board H$40 of 100 j%02 )%Yam (93) H%All/Everyone h&0100 )&disk drive H&07/19/88 07:43:40 AM b$Sam [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Was there ever a disk III for the Apple II? I'm assuming there was a Disk I, and I have a Disk II. )$Apple II Board H$41 of 100 j%02 )%I.J. (30) H%Yam (93) h&0079 )&Re: disk drive H&07/19/88 11:33:56 PM b$Ian [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) There was a a Disk /// for the Apple ///, but as for the Disk I, I don't know. )$Apple II Board H$42 of 100 j%02 )%Juan Escargo (29) H%Yam (93) h&0304 )&Re: disk drive H&07/22/88 02:34:14 AM b$John [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Disk // was the 5 1/4 for the Apple // line. I think the // refered to the series of computer (Apple //) and not the series of drive. I have never heard of a disk ///. The Unidisk series were the next generation (except for the external 5 1/4 for the //c, I don't think there was a special name for it). )$Apple II Board H$43 of 100 j%02 )%Yam (93) H%Juan Escargo h&0034 )&Stuff H&07/22/88 05:17:58 AM b$Sam [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) O.k. That cleared it up. Thanks. )$Apple II Board H$44 of 100 j%02 )%Pure Evil (143) H%All h&0309 )&CAll H&07/26/88 12:11:46 PM b$Jason [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) C A L L T H E O U T E R L I M I T S //GS [ 3 0 5 ] 4 3 4 - 2 5 1 8 62 megs strong, 12/24/9600 baud, Protalk v2.1!  )  6 Call now! )$Apple II Board H$45 of 100 j%02 )%Mach Three (28) H%All h&0123 )&VIruses H&07/26/88 09:04:20 PM b$Ken [" ^"Priviledged User ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Anyone have some info about these viruses out on the apples? I heard that it was spread through DDD4.2 or something... mt )$Apple II Board H$46 of 100 j%02 )%Angel Heart (17) H%Mach Three (28) h&0119 )&Re: VIruses H&07/27/88 09:21:22 PM b$Angelica [" b"Elitist Scum ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Will a virus distroy a hard drive or just wipe everything out? Because I am having problems with my Relax 30 meg now.. )$Apple II Board H$47 of 100 j%02 )%Parik Rao (4) H%Angel Heart (17) h&0147 )&Stuff H&07/27/88 09:53:31 PM b$Parik [" h"SysGOD ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) It destroy's the bit map, most of the time you can recover them with Bag Of Tricks, although I hear one virus writes 0s to the entire hard drive. )$Apple II Board H$48 of 100 j%02 )%Walks by Night (190) H%All/Everyone h&0093 )&Viruses H&07/31/88 03:31:37 PM b$Paul [" ^"Priviledged User ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) A viruse was spotted i ZLink, a communicationprogram. Brett (Techinicion) founded it.. Paul )$Apple II Board H$49 of 100 j%02 )%The Rebel (1) H%Walks by Night (190) h&0043 )&Re: Viruses H&08/01/88 09:09:32 AM b$Tom [" h"SysGOD ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) What kind of virus was found in this file? )$Apple II Board H$50 of 100 j%02 )%I.J. (30) H%T h&0144 )&Stuff H&08/02/88 12:32:45 AM b$Ian [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) There's a program which is supposed to look for viri on you drives up on Softy's. I hear it works really fast, even tho it's written in BASIC. )$Apple II Board H$51 of 100 j%02 )%Blue Fox (127) H%Walks by Night (190) h&0043 )&Re: Viruses H&08/02/88 08:31:38 PM b$Ken [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Quick get the penacelin.................. )$Apple II Board H$52 of 100 j%02 )%Yam (93) H%All/Everyone h&0288 )&Zlink H&08/03/88 03:55:36 AM b$Sam [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Zlink? I've run that, or rather tried to run that. The one off the Keep (I think that's it) doesn't seem to work. If it's infected, I'm in trouble.. I can tell I must have a virus of some sort because I can't run ANY version of BLU anymore, but 2.27 worked fine a couple months ago. )$Apple II Board H$53 of 100 j%02 )%Bonker Pee (111) H%All/Everyone h&0087 )&gee H&08/03/88 05:30:48 AM b$David [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) I have'nt noticed many viruses in the 408 area...gee, seems as if there are alot here. )$Apple II Board H$54 of 100 j%02 )%The Trooper (201) H%All h&0639 )&FESTERING HATE VIRUS H&08/04/88 12:12:22 AM b$Tim [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) ZLINK isnt the one thats infected, its the one called ZLING.PLUS thats has it, the plus is from the virus being added.. real cute eh? ahhaah.. anyways, if you think some of your shit has been infected check your basic.system file, (usally the file attacked first.) If its around 28 blocks instead of around 20 then your in trouble.. When the virus attacks a file it adds 8 blocks to the length.. this is a good wway to tell if you're in trouble or not... But this is kinda of an old topic, Anyone coming out for APPLEFEST SAN FRANCISCO... its where i live so i'm loving it... the last one was really cool... a{(line noise! shit...)  )  6  )  6Tim )$Apple II Board H$55 of 100 j%02 )%Softy (27) H%The Trooper (201) h&0233 )&Re: FESTERING HATE VI H&08/04/88 01:39:08 AM b$John [" b"Elitist Scum ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) The author of Z-LINK is offering a update (free from what I understand) for those who have had troubles with the virus. Sounds like a good deal to me. I'm sure you'll have to be a registered user to receive anything for free. )$Apple II Board H$56 of 100 j%02 )%Softy (27) H%All/Everyone h&0704 )&Virus Stuff H&08/04/88 01:42:31 AM b$John [" b"Elitist Scum ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Earlier yesterday I uploaded two virus scan programs. they really work well. One will ready your entire hard disk or floppy directory and search out the SYS files. Checks block 2 for the infection that does NOT add 8 blocks to your system file. Thats a clumbsy way to install a virus. Easier to use a counter in block 2 which isn't used for anythi H%Uncle Bob (14) h&0633 )&Re: hd H&08/08/88 11:57:28 PM b$Donald [" ^"Priviledged User ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Yup, been wondering that myself. A friend of mine (Alan Brierton ) runs a board in my area called Enterprize (pretty kule board, call it at (805) 966-4615) he runs off a //c with a Applied Engineering //c system clock and ... here goes ... a Quark 20mb hard drive. Appearantly, the designers of the Quark made it multi-compat. -- i.e. it has a little switch setting saying Apple //c, macintrash, Apple //e, etc. configuration. I dont know how it plugs in to the //c (maybe directlyinto the 2nd drive port?!?) . I have heard of others. I'll hunt around adn tell ya what I find. Oh yeah, the Quark costs aroudn $700-800 I think. )$Apple II Board H$63 of 100 j%02 )%Coldfinger (198) H%All/Everyone h&0215 )&By the way... H&08/08/88 11:58:41 PM b$Donald [" ^"Priviledged User ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) ... Uncle Bob, and anyone else that cares to read this, if you DO find a hard drive for the //c, then PUH-LEEZE tell me what it is, where I can get/order it from, and the best price available. I'm looking for one! )$Apple II Board H$64 of 100 j%02 )%Mr.Bill (39) H%All/Everyone h&0050 )&Stuff H&08/09/88 07:52:45 PM b$Jeff [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) I'd say Coldfinger is pretty Desperate for a HD )$Apple II Board H$65 of 100 j%02 )%Jeff Smith (131) H%All/Everyone h&0102 )&Stuff H&08/09/88 08:35:36 PM b$Barron [" `"General Access ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Coldfinger: I think it was Cyberaids, but It doesn't matter anyway because I got rid of it. Thanks )$Apple II Board H$66 of 100 j%02 )%Uncle Bob (14) H%Coldfinger (198) h&0077 )&Re: hd H&08/10/88 10:28:45 PM b$Michael [" ^"Priviledged User ]'Apple Rebel Board  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  ) Great, I'd appreciate any more info you or anyone else can give me. Thanks! )$Apple II Board